Laura Mercier Fine Art Eye Shadow Palette Review + Swatches

Monday, 11 May 2020

At the time of writing this post, we are still in Lockdown, and so I have been spending far too much time browsing beauty products online. I came across the Laura Mercier Fine Art Eye Shadow Palette for half price, and so instantly snapped it up as I love Laura Mercier, but their products can sometimes be pretty pricey.
I already have the Fine Art Cheek Palette and use it often, so it is lovely to have this limited edition eye shadow palette as well. The palette itself has a beautiful illustration on the front of the compact, a mirror on the inside and eight gorgeous eye shadows inside. I like that you get a generous amount of product, but that the palette itself is nice, neat and compact, as big palettes drive me insane as they are a nightmare to store.
This limited edition compact was designed and illustrated by Kelly Beeman and all eight shadows are shimmery, and I do love a good shimmery eyeshadow! You get quite a good variation of shades within this palette, some lighter shades which are great for Spring and Summer, and some warmer shades for Autumn and Winter, so this palette is going to see you through the year perfectly.
The shades included are;
Row 1
Golden Spark - A pale gold
Gilded Orange - A beautiful peach
Bronze Joy - A light taupe
Copper Glow - A rich, warm light copper
Row 2
Rose Magnifique - A pink-toned champagne
Golden Silver - A gold-toned silver
Bronze Joy - A warm-toned bronze
Noirest - A dark, almost black shade
Some of the shades work really well as toppers, and have the ability to alter the shade of another shadow, and others are full-on pigmented colour. I am in love with Gilded Orange, and both Golden Spark and Rose Magnifique work really well as inner-corner highlighters as well. I also like to use Bronze Joy as an eyeliner by taking an angled brush and spritzing on a small amount of makeup setting spray to turn it more metallic.

You can find the Laura Mercier Fine Art Eye Shadow Palette online at Look Fantastic here.

All the Loves,
Kathryn xxx

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