Jeffree Star Cosmetics Jawbreaker Collection Lip Ammunition Review + Swatches

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

As well as it being Foundation week this week, I thought I may as well make it Jeffree Star Cosmetics Jawbreaker Collection week and really go all out. Today I will be bringing you the Jeffree Star Cosmetics Jawbreaker Collection Lip Ammunition Lipsticks.
The Jeffree Star Cosmetics Jawbreaker Collection Lip Ammunition Lipsticks are available in six different shades, and as they are more of a glitter topper, I went for just the three shades. Just like with the Velour Liquid Lipsticks, the packaging is that stunning neon chartreuse, which the lipstick bullets are made up of too, along with gold detailing.
There are no regular shades in this particular collection, with all of them being glittery, which is of course more than fine by me! The shades I picked out are Glazed, Yummy and Candy Freeze. Glazed is probably one of my favourites as it is soft warm gold glitter that also contains pink reflects and so it looks different depending on which way the light is shining.
Yummy is a metallic light purple which is full of silver, pink and light purple glitter reflects, and whilst it won't be everyone's cup of tea, it is quite sheer so that it isn't too in your face purple. Finally, Candy Freeze is the one that possibly gives the most coverage out of the three glitters I have here. It is an icy Barbie pink that is full of pink glitter that makes it look almost 3D and again, this might not be for everyone, but I am loving this girly pink glitter moment.
Due to these Lip Ammunitions being glittery and quite sheer, I didn't expect them to last very long on the lips, but I was pleasantly surprised, and even the glitter stays on really well. Prior to this I have only ever owned one other Lip Ammunition, so it was great to be able to try new shades and finishes to add to my collection.

The Jeffree Star Cosmetics Jawbreaker Collection Lip Ammunition Lipsticks cost £16.00 each and you can find them online at Beauty Bay here.

All the Loves,
Kathryn xxx

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