Scott Barnes Pumped Up Mascara Review

Monday, 9 September 2019

When I ordered the Scott Barnes Body Bling Platinum, I also picked up the Scott Barnes Pumped Up Mascara. Tati Westbrook had used it a few times in her videos and said how good it was, and I won't lie, I am a sales person's dream as I have a constant FOMO.
The Scott Barnes Pumped Up Mascara comes in a cute cardboard tube, full of gold and black and white, keeping it classy. The tube of mascara itself though did feel a little cheap to me, and reminded me of a mascara from Collection Cosmetics or Technic Makeup, and whilst there is absolutely nothing wrong with those brands, I would expect more for the price I paid for it. 
The mascara wand has a traditional bristle-style to it, and is of a regular shape and there isn't a whole lot to say about it as it doesn't have a stand-out shape to it etc. Which, again there is nothing wrong with, as it is how the mascara performs that is what matters.
So, how does it perform? I was actually really impressed. If you have been here before, you may know that my natural lashes are short, fine, fair and straight and so it takes something amazing to make them look anywhere near decent. This mascara is buildable, and that is often something I struggle with when using other mascaras, and it made my bottom lashes look incredible! You can actually see them and they look so long! My lashes are slightly lifted, which again is great as my lashes practically go downwards without any product on them.

Yes, I am definitely impressed and won over with the Scott Barnes Pumped Up Mascara. It does cost $28.00, which works out around £22.49, so it is by no means cheap. Plus once you add on customs etc, it does make it quite pricey. Whilst I do love this mascara, I think I would only repurchase if the Scott Barnes brand was more readily available here in the UK, perhaps at Beauty Bay, Cult Beauty etc. You can find the Scott Barnes Pumped Up Mascara online here.

All the Loves,
Kathryn xxx

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