HUM Nutrition Flatter Me Healthy Digestion Supplement Review

Friday, 17 June 2022

 HUM Nutrition are firm in their belief that selfcare and skincare starts from the inside out, and they set out on a mission to distil the expertise of leading nutritionists into a line of high-performing supplements. Each of the clever capsules and gummies in this collection are empowered by bioavailable, naturally derived nutrients of clinically proven quality - they are triple tested for potency and purity. So whatever your skin or wellness goal might be, curate your own customisable HUM Nutrition routine, tailored to your needs.

I received the HUM Nutrition Flatter Me Healthy Digestion Supplement in a beauty box a couple of months ago and wanted to give them a try. They retail at £27.25 for a months worth of tablets, which is 60 tablets. Changes in our lifestyle, diet and stress levels can be detrimental to the normal function of our digestive system, prompting wellbeing bugbears like bloating and discomfort to arise - this is where Flatter Me comes in.

With a 30 day supply of vegan capsules, this carefully crafted formula is designed to supplement the enzyme levels within your body to improve digestion and breakdown foods, in turn, easing bloating and gas. The comprehensive proprietary blend is made up of 18 full-spectrum enzymes, as well as a herbal blend of Ginger, Fennel and Peppermint, to support all major phases of digestion - optimising the digestion of protein, carbohydrates, fibre, lactose and fats as well as encouraging nutrient absorption.

The supplements themselves are not large by any means, so they are easy to take and all you need to do is take one capsule twice a day before your main meals - I like to take one before breakfast and one before my evening meal. As with any supplement, they will not show huge changes in just one day, but with consistent use, you will definitely feel a change in how your stomach feels and I for one get a lot less bloating.

You can find HUM Nutrition Flatter Me Healthy Digestion Supplements online at Cult Beauty here.

All the Loves,
Kathryn xxx


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